Monday, November 07, 2011

Fighting Pornography - Mike McManus

Fighting Pornography

By Mike McManus
November 2, 2011

When Pat Trueman led the fight against obscenity for the Reagan and Bush I Administrations, there were 120 convictions in five years. "All major pornographers were put out of business or put in jail," he told the Maryland Coalition Against Pornography recently.

However, there has not been any prosecution for the past 20 years - since Bill Clinton was elected. Meanwhile, the Internet multiplied the sexual revolution 1,000-fold. Everybody has access to pornography in their homes or offices, but few seem to realize its dangers.

Trueman told of a high school girl in Richmond, CA. who was in charge of the Homecoming Dance. She left the dance on school property and was surrounded by boys who repeatedly raped her while recording the grisly business on their cell phones.

"Why were so many high school kids willing to rape a fellow student?" he asked. "Because they have seen what it was like in videos, they wanted to experience it themselves. The harms of pornography have reached pandemic levels."

Read the full story at

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