Friday, November 04, 2011


It must suck to be a German Roman Catholic these days:

After ten years of being internally warned by faithful Catholics, including in a 70-page dossier sent to all of Germany’s main bishops, the scandal of the German bishops’ ownership of a publishing company that sells a large volume of porn has hit the mainstream media.

Ten years?  You’ve known for ten years that you owned a company that published porn?

Last week the mainstream media outed the fact that the German bishops are 100% owners of one of the most profitable book companies in Germany.  The huge company, in addition to offering many religious and other ethical books and items, also peddles 2500 porn titles and additional books highly offensive to Christian principles.

And it’s not like the bishops appreciated the warning or anything.

A spokesman for the bishops promised immediate corrective action.

A ten-year clerical error.  Yeah, let’s run with that.

However, the false pretense of ignorance about the situation has only served to add to the scandal, especially for faithful Catholics who were treated with silence and even disdain when they repeatedly attempted for years to bring the scandal to an end out of public view.

You know what would make our jobs a whole lot easier?  If we didn’t have to listen to the stupid laity.  Gott in Himmel, those whiners drive me up a wall!

German Catholic author Gabriele Kuby, who has for years pointed out to bishops various shortcomings in the Catholic Church in her nation, said that the worst thing about the current public scandal is the hypocrisy.  Each of the affected bishops received 70 pages of documentation in 2008 detailing the fact that the publishing company was selling the pornographic titles, Kuby told LifeSiteNews.  She noted that most bishops ignored the communications, not even bothering to reply. The Archdiocese of Munich did reply, said Kuby, but she says their response was “arrogant and spiteful.”

But you can relax now, Dummköpfe.  Everything’s under control.

In reaction to questioning from the mainstream press, church officials claimed it was a filtering problem which resulted in the oversight, adding that the matter will be dealt with.

“A filtering problem which resulted in the oversight.”  For the last ten years.  Dude, don’t even think about bringing that lame-ass spin around here.

In his coverage of the now-public scandal, Mueller describes the 10-year-long attempt to convince the bishops to take action on the matter.  He concludes: “But over the years, all internal efforts to bring the scandal have come to nothing.”

And then there’s this.  Thanks to some of its own bishops, the Roman Catholic Church takes yet another one indie Genitalien.  Well, a man’s enemies shall be members of his own household, as the Lord put it.

The reaction from the public, as can be seen in reader comments beneath the mainstream media reports, has been to ridicule the Catholic Church.  Mueller summed up the public view succinctly with the phrase: “Preach chastity and sell pornography.”

A couple things.  If I was a leader in any Christian church, Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox, and I found out that my church owned a company that sold pornography(that publishing company, by the way, claims that it sells “erotica” rather than porn), I would take one of two actions immediately if not the day before yesterday.
I would burn up the phone lines to wherever church headquarters was and keep those lines on fire until my church had rid itself of this abomination.  But if the fact that my church owned a porn publisher didn’t bother me, I would hopefully be honest enough to admit to myself that I really didn’t believe this Christianity stuff, resign my position and do something else with my life.

Because preaching one thing and acting as though you believe something mutually-exclusive seems hypocritical.  And some of us need to be able to look ourselves in the mirror.  We’re funny that way.
The other thing is this: there are no perfect Christian churches or Christian church leaders anywhere.  Period.  Spend your life looking for them and you’ll never darken the door of anyone’s worship for the rest of your life.
Every intelligent person understands that.  What we don’t understand is why some people somehow seem to think that that basic fact automatically gives them an excuse not to even try to be better people than they are.
German bishops?  Do you believe the Christian religion or not?  If you do, act like it.  Let your light so shine before men and all that.  If you don’t, at least have the integrity to resign and get out of our way.
And you might want to lose that whole sneering-contempt-for-the-laity attitude you’ve been rocking lately.  Or people are going to start nailing theses to your cathedral doors.

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