Thursday, November 03, 2011

I continue to be astonished…

...that this is Not an Episcopal Church. But I won't be surprised if I find some sacred "borrowing" in the next prayerbook revision. What leftist liturgist after all could resist this corrected version of the patriarchal "Lord's" prayer?:
Our Mother who is within us
we celebrate your many names.
Your wisdom come.
Your will be done,
unfolding from the depths within us.
Each day you give us all that we need.
You remind us of our limits
and we let go.
You support us in our power
and we act with courage.
For you are the dwelling place within us
the empowerment around us
and the celebration among us
now and for ever. Amen
Or pass up this opening collect?
God/dess of struggle and blessing, we thank you that you are so willing to meet us in love here and now, as you meet our mothers and fathers, partners and lovers, siblings and children, friends and strangers on their faith journeys, as you entered our human life in Jesus Christ-Sophia. Help us open our hearts to you in our time of remembrance and celebration that we may grow in light and love toward you and all people through the gentle wind of your Spirit.
Or this song of praise to the "God of Many Names"
Our Great Creatress we proclaim;
Our Mother, Goddess, Friend and Guide
Walks with us always by our side.

The Living Water in us flows,
The Bread of Life helps us to grow;
The Christ-Sophia will abide
Where minds and hearts are open wide.

Our Sister Brother Spirit calls
With words of peace to break the walls;
The Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove
Will fill us with abundant Love.
Be sure to check out the naked lady rosary. As "Steve" says:
"I think men are longing for a return to the Goddess and want their worship to be focused on Her."

And, of course, there's much, much more.
Somebody, give this woman a miter.

(Thanks to Chris Johnson for reminding me of this place and, seriously speaking, let's pray for these lost people)

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