Thursday, November 03, 2011

Illinois To Shut Down Religious Adoption Agencies Over Politics

In Illinois, where they are trying to find a way to plug their 13 billion - yes with a B - billion dollar deficit, they are much more concerned with tearing children away from the top rated agency in the state. Why you ask? Because, sillyhead, they do not bow at the altar of the GLBTQZXWMNOP agenda.
Representing Catholic Charities of three Illinois Roman Catholic Dioceses, the Thomas Moore Society filed an emergency motion to prevent the state from removing all the children in its care. Unfortunately, an Illinois appellate court refused to overturn the trial court’s decision to remove the children during the appeal process in which lawyers are now engaged (filings here and here).

Still, other motions made in the emergency motion were granted. Thomas Moore informs that the matter “is now on an expedited schedule for briefing in the Appellate Court.” The fate of the children remains unknown at this point.

So what was so bad that the State of Illinois felt it necessary to take all children away from religious-based organizations? Have there been cases of abuse? Perhaps children’s services from religious-based groups have been rated lowly? Have adopting parents complained?

None of the above. In fact, there is no substantive reason at all for this attack on religious-based children’s services in the Land of Lincoln. Well, no reason except for a left-wing, pro-homosexual political agenda, that is.
Wonder if any of the episcopal dioceses in Illinois will speak up for the children? I know, stupid question.

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