Saturday, November 05, 2011

A Statement from the Archbishop of Rwanda and the Primatial Vicar of the AMiA

A Statement from the Archbishop of Rwanda and the Primatial Vicar of the Anglican Mission in the Americas

November 4, 2011

We have recently been made aware that a number of unfounded rumors and false assertions regarding the relationship between the Anglican Mission and Rwanda have begun to swirl in various circles and on the Internet. We are
releasing this statement together to urge you not to be misled or distracted by those who would sow destructive seeds of discord through innuendo and commentary, for we know that this is the work and design of the Enemy.

The work and the relationship between the AMiA and the Province of Rwanda remains solid and cherished, as we discuss and explore together the future shape of our life and our work in the mission from the Lord which we share
on two continents. As always, we ask for your prayers and support as we continue to seek the best way forward together in growing the Lord's Kingdom on both sides of the Atlantic.

The Most Rev. Onesphore Rwaje
Archbishop and Primate
Province of the Anglican Church of Rwanda

The Rt. Rev. Charles H. Murphy, III
Primatial Vicar and Chairman
The Anglican Mission in the Americas
So, are they saying that this document is false?

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