Friday, December 09, 2011

Breaking: A Statement to the Clergy and Laity of the Anglican Mission

A Statement to the Clergy and Laity of the Anglican Mission

December 8, 2011

As you may know, on December 5, in response to unforeseen and extraordinary circumstances, the Anglican Mission in the Americas withdrew from the pastoral oversight of the Province of the Anglican Church of Rwanda. In addition, Bishop Chuck Murphy resigned as Primatial Vicar and Bishops Murphy, Sandy Greene, Todd Hunter, TJ Johnston, Philip Jones, Doc Loomis, John Miller and Silas Ng, as well as retired Bishop John Rodgers, resigned from the House of Bishops of Rwanda.

During this interim period, the Anglican Mission is under the oversight of our founding Archbishops Emmanuel Kolini, Moses Tay and Yong Ping Chung until we have a new provincial home within the Anglican Communion. Bishop Murphy is meeting with these overseeing archbishops in London next week to discuss options for the best way forward.

While these events came as a significant surprise to all of us, and circumstances beyond our control have necessitated rapid decisions and actions, we are very encouraged about our future in the Anglican Mission and see a powerful missional opportunity to move toward formation of a missionary society. Since we highly value continuity, this is a logical, consistent progression of what God has been doing in and through the Anglican Mission since 2000. The missionary society concept provides the appropriate structure for us to be...a mission, nothing more, nothing less and in many ways represents "a long obedience in the same direction."

We ask and encourage you to pray for our brothers and sisters in Rwanda, offering thanksgiving and praise to God for the way they, and the Province of S.E. Asia, once took us in as "spiritual refugees." The Anglican Mission will be forever grateful for our partnership in the Gospel with Rwanda and for providing a spiritual home for us.

Look for more information in special video messages tomorrow.

From Some of Our Archbishops and Bishops:

"I do believe the Spirit is leading you. I therefore accept your request to be on the team for the apostolic oversight...I thank God to serve Him with people who are ready to pay any cost for the sake of the gospel. Take heart and be courageous, the victory is HIS. He has the Master plan." Archbishop Emmanuel Kolini

"The birth and the growth of AMIA up to this point has been God's way of showing His gracious favour upon our obedience. We have been faithful in the last season. He has now called us to enter into a new season and to make plans for a more permanent mission structure that will take us onward to the next season." Archbishop Yong Ping Chung

"The Mission will emerge from these struggles stronger and better prepared for the next 50 years." Bishop Doc Loomis

"I think our partnership with Rwanda was a one between godly leaders who arose from within a specific and unrepeatable set of circumstances and with a very specific mission: planting churches and engaging in evangelism. Archbishop Kolini once told me that he envisioned taking us in like foster children until we could grow up and find our adult place in the church." Bishop Todd Hunter

"I have had a long relationship with Chuck Murphy and have grown to appreciate the way he leads with vision, clarity, passion and wisdom. I still do. At this moment of transition, I trust his vision and desire to become a missionary society. We have grown up as a mission under his leadership. This moment calls for bold, thoughtful action and +Chuck is giving that." Bishop Philip Jones

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