Friday, December 02, 2011

The Fictional Future of Frank Griswold's Denominational World

The Fictional Future of Frank Griswold's Denominational World

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue
November 30, 2011

Frank Griswold, a former PB of the Episcopal Church, recently gave an interview to "Faith & Leadership" magazine in which he made the statement that TEC may be going through its desert period. He also spoke about leadership, The Episcopal Church, the future of theological education and other issues.

Griswold served as presiding bishop from 1997 to 2006; before that he was bishop of Chicago for 10 years. He was ordained as a priest in 1963 and served three parishes before being elected bishop.

The following is a question and answer from an edited transcript followed by a VOL analysis of Griswold's spin.

F&L: What is The Future of Denominations?

GRISWOLD: Maybe this is the desert time. For the Episcopal Church and mainline Protestantism, this may be a wilderness period, a time of being shaped, formed and made ready to enter the Promised Land.

Read the full story at

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