Saturday, December 17, 2011

Legal Update from DioFW

Today in Austin the Texas Supreme Court has announced that it will hear oral arguments on Feb. 29, 2012, concerning the appellate court's decision in a case between the parish of Good Shepherd, San Angelo, and the Episcopal Church Diocese of Northwest Texas. This follows written briefings the Court requested from each party earlier this year.

According to a statement from the Court's public information officer, the principal issues in the property dispute between the diocese and congregation are “(1) whether in Texas the dispute should be decided by ‘neutral principles’ – using established trust and property law and taking account of deeds, the governing language employed by a local church and the larger denomination – or by ‘compulsory deference’ – determining where church members place ultimate authority over property use; and (2) whether the trial court erred by deciding the diocese owns the property.”

The outcome of this appeal is likely to have significant impact for our own. Early in the new year, our legal team expects to file an amicus brief with the Court, supporting the position of the San Angelo parish.

As you continue to pray for our own legal team through this Advent and Christmas, please include the people of Good Shepherd and their legal team in your prayers.

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