Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Old Hop: Whither Now, Anglican Mission churches?

From "Old Hop"
In the wake of yesterday's mass resignation of most of the AMiA bishops from the Rwandan Church, our pastor forwarded an email from the leader of our network of Anglican Mission churches. It is a correspondence that will help allay concerns and quiet some of the speculation. In it he states,

all AMiA clergy and churches are seated canonically in Rwanda. Without doing anything to resign or opt out, we are automatically in Rwanda and under their episcopal oversight. All clergy and churches who remain in Rwanda are safely within the Anglican Communion through our canonical residence.

He further states that +Thad Barnum, author of the book Never Silent and one who has chosen to remain under authority to the Rwandan Church, is in communication with Archbishop Rwaje. +Barnum is in our network...more

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