Friday, December 02, 2011

Zombie Theology - deathly ideas that stalk the Church

Zombie Theology - deathly ideas that stalk the Church

By Peter Corney
November 2011

The following six ideas are eroding classical, creedal, orthodox Christian faith. They sometimes travel under the heading of "Progressive or Emerging Christianity."

1. CONFORMISM - The radical adapting of the gospel to fit the prevailing plausibility structure (A "plausibility structure" is what a particular culture finds easy to believe at a particular time.) This is often done covertly and dishonestly by continuing to use the language and symbols of orthodox faith but changing their first order or original meaning. Conformism is intellectually provincial; it traps itself in the spirit of the times and fails to give proper weight to the churches historic understanding of the faith. Most of the fundamental issues we face have been faced by the church in the past.

Read the full story at

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