Sunday, February 12, 2012

All is Well™ in New Jersey

All is Well™ in New Jersey
But despite deep philosophical dissent in the Episcopal Church, church leaders and clergy said they do not expect the Vatican’s measure to spur any exodus by conservatives in New Jersey.
“We have lots of differences of opinion, but we honor the differences we all bring and a have a commitment to live and work together,” said Bishop Mark Beckwith of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark, which covers North Jersey. “It’s not a problem in this diocese.”
Exactly!  That’s why the bars denoting ASA show exceptional growth and in Newark and New Jersey.  Wait - aren’t the stairs suppose to go UP to show growth?  Well, maybe with other denominations.
Beckwith said none of the 106 congregations in the Episcopal Diocese of Newark is planning to leave.  And Bishop George Councell, who heads the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey, which covers central and southern parts of the state, said the same.  “I don’t see or hear any evidence of anyone making decisions along those lines,” he said.
  Puzzle me this - +Beckwith says that the 106 congregations in Newark are happy as punch.  Nevermind that the ECUSA chart shows 108 congregations and the diocesan website lists 112.  But what’s really interesting is this statement.
The conservative congregation of St. Anthony’s of Padua in Hackensack, which has been critical of the positions of Episcopal leaders, resolved its differences while remaining in the church. The congregation opted to receive spiritual guidance and leadership from a conservative bishop in South Carolina rather than the local diocesan bishop, in an agreement reached with the Diocese of Newark.
And how is St. Anthony’s doing?  Strange, their stairs seem to be going up but that pretty green line - it’s at zero.  Whatever could that mean?
Call me crazy but I can’t see +Mark Beckwith giving +Mark Lawrence permission to influence any of his congregations with strong orthodox theology although I would love to be wrong.  Anyone here familiar with the St. Anthony congregation?
UPDATE:  Undergroundpewster advises the oversight is being provided by Bishop William Skilton who, if I am not mistaken, lives in South Carolina and served as their suffrgan before he retired.  He is now the assistant bishop of the Dominican Republic. I edited out the paragraph on my guesses as to who the bishop might be.

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