Sunday, February 19, 2012

AMiA's Council of Bishops Issues Letter on Their Future

AMiA's Council of Bishops Issues Letter on Their Future

February 16, 2012

Dear Friends,

Grace and peace to you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

In the weeks since Winter Conference, we have continued conversations about the Anglican Mission's future and are grateful for many of you who have responded positively, offering your valuable insight and perceptions.

Your questions and recommendations have contributed significantly to our ability to better serve you and work toward greater clarity as we move forward together.

Last week, we gathered in a special meeting of the Council with a deep desire to seek Jesus' heart for the Anglican Mission.

As we concluded our meeting, we were convinced that the Lord had truly met with us and had given us clear direction, enabling us to consider things in a new way with fresh insight.

We concluded our meeting united and confident that the Lord was showing us an exciting and challenging way forward.

Read the full story at

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