Friday, February 17, 2012

[Bumped In Honor of Ragsdale Week] CoE Bishop:  Ragsdale Appointment Shocking

The Brits must really lead a sheltered life.  While I agree that the appointment of Katharine Ragsdale is an outrage, to say it is the most shocking thing to come out of TEC in years - well that’s a stretch.  If you have friends in the UK, you might want to send them a link to Stand Firm so they can keep up with the Fresh Hell on a daily basis.
April 10th, 2009 Posted in News |
To the Church of England Newspaper   April 9
Of all the reports emanating from The Episcopal Church in recent years, I consider that concerning the appointment of Katharine Ragsdale as Dean of Episcopal Divinity School in Massachusetts (April 3) to be the most shocking.  That a promoter of abortion on demand, who describes abortionists as engaged in ‘holy work’, might be given such a senior position must call in question any possibility of normal relations with the province concerned.
If any right-thinking Christian has doubted the potential need for a new province in North America, they should ponder your astonishing report.
The Rt Rev Peter Forster, Bishop of Chester
Hat tip: Anglican Mainstream

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