Wednesday, February 08, 2012


Ms. Kaeton’s off her meds again:

There is an undeclared war on women in this country and around the world.

We see, therefore, that Marriage is not merely a sacrament, but also a real social instrument, a continuation of getting some, a carrying out of the same by other means. – Clausewitz

The recent decision by the Susan G. Komen Foundation to essentially end its decades-long partnership with Planned Parenthood brought this struggle, which was played out in the Internet at head-snapping speed, to a different new battleground.

Women.  Can’t live with ‘em, can’t shoot ‘em.  Am I right? - Lao Tzu

That battle was won but the war is far from over. The reproductive rights of women are under sharp attack from the religious and political forces of the evangelical right, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party. The battle plan is patently clear: limit women’s access to abortion, birth control, and services after rape and sexual assault by changing laws, state by state, and ensure that government funding is not delivered to any agency that supports reproductive rights in any way.  Do this with a ballot in one hand and a Bible in the other. And when you don’t get what you want, cry “religious intolerance.”

Shrieking, hysterical paranoia, thy name is Kaeton. – Shakespeare

The recent battle between Komen vs. Planned Parenthood gives us many insights on how women and men of quality can fight back for equality. The fatal flaw in the Komen battle plan was to consider Planned Parenthood just another organization. It is not. It is what it always has been: a movement. Organizations are fine. Movements are better.

Observe the gazongas on yon wench!! - Locke
“The personal is political.” That was the battle cry of the early feminist movement. It has never been more true than today. It is also deeply spiritual. Women of faith must begin to use the tools offered to us in the post-modern world to fight a battle that in many ways is as old as the Garden of Eden.  With a modicum of organization, we can become a movement that is a force to be reckoned with.

Want to come up to my place for a little ontological argument? – Anselm

So, pick up your smart phones, ladies, and take up your fax machines, turn on your laptops and fire up the Internet. Let’s tweet, text, IM, Facebook, fax, phone and e-mail our way to justice and equality.

Chicks dig philosophers. - Wittgenstein
There is an undeclared war on women in this country and around the world.

We heard you the first time. – Johnson

Let’s see.  Overly emotional.  Considers every disagreement to be a personal attack.  Tries to work every imaginable evil she can into her “war.”  I think I’ve finally figured it out.  Elizabeth Kaeton and leftists like her are the adolescent boys of the 21st Century.

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