Tuesday, February 07, 2012

An elevator speech for the Episcopal Church

In a conversation on the email list-serv maintained by the Episcopal Communicators, a member noted that he had recently come across some language describing the church in its brand style guide. Turns out he was referring to the "brand strategy statement. It reads:
"For those looking for more meaning and deepened spirituality, The Episcopal Church offers honest and unconditional acceptance, which removes barriers to Jesus Christ and permits belonging to an authentic church community."
A brand strategy statement is not the same thing as an elevator speech--a verbal description of your cause/organization etc., that you could recite to someone in the course of an elevator ride--but, like an elevator speech, it is an attempt to distill what is best and most attractive about your organization into a couple of punchy sentences.

What would your elevator speech for the Episcopal Church sound like? How about your elevator speech for your parish?

Editor's Note: My elevator speech on pecusa: The Episcopal Church is very liberal.  They long ago left any sort of Christianity that would be recognizable as Christianity by anyone except liberals.  They say that they offer honest and unconditional acceptance, but just listen to them speak and you'll see that this isn't true.  A recent Episcopal Church ad put down fundamentalists.  I'm not big on fundamentalism, but running an ad against them isn't unconditional acceptance.  They claim to offer an authentic church community, but they base this community on what is not authentic and bares little resemblance to an authentic church.

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