Saturday, February 11, 2012

Exactly How Stupid Do They Think We Are?

Unlike Presiding Bishop Schori, I do not believe Catholics are less intelligent than the Episcopalians or any other denomination.  Unfortunately, President Obama’s thinking on this subject appears to be more in line with the presiding bishop.  Exactly how stupid does he think we are?
In a statement released today, the White House said, “Under the new policy announced today, women will have free preventive care that includes contraceptive services no matter where she works.”
“If a woman works for religious employers with objections to providing contraceptive services as part of its health plan, the religious employer will not be required to provide contraception coverage but her insurance company will be required to offer contraceptive care free of charge.”
So what this means is that rather than have those who are unwilling to support contraception and/or abortifacient drugs pay for such things for their employees, they will now need to pay for EVERYONE’S employees to have these services done.  Exactly who does Mr. Obama think he is kidding here?  Where exactly do you think the money for the “insurance boogeyman” will come from to pay for these services?  Will the Easter Bunny drop off golden eggs that will cover the cost of the services?  This would be the equivalent of taking your employees to a restaurant and advising the waiter that everything is on you - except for the alcohol.  The waiter returns with the manager who says - no problem all alcohol will be provided free to all patrons and oh by the way, we’ve added a 30% service charge to everyone’s check.  Come on - did you really thing the restaraunt was paying for the booze?  The exact same principle applies to no-pays at the ER.  Paid a ticket lately?  Was there a line item for indigent defense fund?

Employers are still staggering under the enormous rate increases they had to absorb that came in anticipation of the changes Obamacare would force upon the insurers.  It doesn’t take a genius (and we obviously don’t have many of those in DC anyway) to figure out that the insurance companies will NOT absorb this cost.  They will parse it out among their client base regardless of any conscience objection.

The only benefactor of this “accommodation” will be Planned Parenthood.  How long do you think it will be before we hear of a huge grant to Planned Parenthood to help them gear up in anticipation of the droves of women from those terrible orthodox who don’t believe in helping someone kill their child.  One has to wonder if this has been the plan all along.

It is my sincere prayer that the American people will rise up with as much voice as they can muster so the tone deaf in DC will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we see this accommodation exactly for what it is.  In short, we’re not buying it AND we’re not paying for it.

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