Monday, February 06, 2012

Marriage Equality: A Not so Conservative Proposal

Marriage Equality: A Not so Conservative Proposal
Washington Episcopal Bishop says fidelity is the value in same-sex unions

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue
February 4, 2012

The Bishop of Olympia, the Rt. Rev. Gregory H. Rickel believes he has come up with the perfect solution to same-sex marriage. He says his idea is not exactly new, but it is based on the notion of fidelity. "Fidelity is the value in most all our sacraments and also in our life as Christians," he opined in a statement at his diocesan website.

"It seems to me we have held our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters in a 'catch-22'. We say they cannot live up to our value because they cannot be married, or even blessed in their union. While many of them have begged for this, it is still not possible. What they ask of us, the church and the government, is to put boundaries around their relationship, to hold them in the same regard and with the same respect, which would also mean that we expect the same from them. They are not asking for special treatment. They are asking for equal treatment. They are asking to be accountable, as a couple, in community. To me, this is a conservative proposal. I am for it, and I hope we will finally make way for this to happen, not only in our society, but also in our church."

Read the full story at

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