Monday, February 06, 2012

There is No Neutral Ground When it Comes to Planned Parenthood - Mohler

It Isn't Easy Being Pink: There is No Neutral Ground When it Comes to Planned Parenthood
A noble cause cannot mask the most ignoble of partners

By R. Albert Mohler Jr.
February 3 2012

Crash and burn. The policy reversal by the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure, which now means that its funding of Planned Parenthood will continue, is nothing less than a public relations disaster for the organization. More than that, the decision reveals a basic lack of moral conviction when it comes to the Planned Parenthood issue-and that is a story unto itself.

Just days ago, faced with growing controversy, Komen sought to break its relationship with Planned Parenthood, to which it had provided an annual grant of $700,000 for breast cancer screenings. Komen did not state the decision in these terms, of course, but instead described the decision in terms of a new policy not to fund any organization under legal investigation. It just so happens that Planned Parenthood is currently the focus of a congressional investigation.

Read the full story at

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