Friday, February 17, 2012


It’s extremely difficult to care about the Episcopalians when they no longer do.  Mrs. Schori phones in her Lent message:

I invite you to use the Millennium Development Goals[peace and blessings be upon them] as your focus for Lenten study and discipline and prayer and fasting this year.  I’m going to remind you that the Millennium Development Goals[peace and blessings be upon them] are about healing the worst of the world’s hunger. They’re about seeing that all children get access to primary education.  They’re about empowering women. They’re about attending to issues of maternal health and child mortality. They’re about attending to issues of communicable disease like AIDS and malaria and tuberculosis. They’re about environmentally sustainable development, seeing that people have access to clean water and sanitation and that the conditions in slums are alleviated.  And finally, they are about aid, foreign aid.  They’re about trade relationships, and they’re about building partnerships for sustainable development in this world.

Does Jesus get mentioned at all?  Once.

What the Bible says more often than anything else is to tend to the needs of the widows and orphans, those without.  Jesus himself says, “Care for the least of these.”

Actually, what Our Lord and Savior said was…aw, skip it.  What’s the point of writing yet again that the Presiding Bishop is making stuff up?  As Biblically-illiterate as Episcopalians are, it’s not like anyone in TEO is going know enough to call her on it.

Since Mrs. Schori’s Lent message could easily serve(and probably already has) as her Easter message, her Advent message, her Christmas message, her Pentecost message, her Arbor Day message, her Flag Day message, her Warren G. Harding Birthday message, her National Dress Up Your Pet Day message, her National Popcorn Day message, her National Plum Pudding Day message, her National Crown Roast of Pork day message, her National Cheeseball Day message, her National Zucchini Bread Day message, her National Candied Orange Peel day message, her National Dance Like a Chicken Day message, her National Yo-Yo Day message, her National Tapioca Pudding Day message, her National Mud Pack Day message, her National Fritters Day message, her National Whiners Day message, her National Mud Pack Day message, her National Brandied Fruit Day message and her National Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies Day* message, among a great many others, you can easily see what I’m up against here and why it’s getting harder and harder for me to even remotely care about any of this.

UPDATE:  I missed something.  The Peeb actually finishes strong.

I wish you a blessed Lent and a joyful resurrection at the end of it that may be shared with others around the world.

That’s for anyone who is still foolish enough to believe that Episcopalianism has anything to do with Christianity.

*Real days.  Allegedly.

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