Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bishop Robinson, You are reaping what you have sown

Bishop Robinson, You are reaping what you have sown
Why the Bishop of New Hampshire is wrong


By David W. Virtue in Indianapolis
July 110, 2012

When the openly gay bishop of New Hampshire, Gene Robinson took a private communication one of my staff sent him and made its contents public inside the House of Bishops this week, he opened a can of worms that he has only himself to blame for. No one asked him to do that; he did it on his own recognizance. He did not ask my permission.

The communication was about rumors swirling around that he and his partner, Mark Andrew, whom he had married, were having "relationship problems and were entertaining divorce." The rumor was that they had separate bedrooms here in Indianapolis. In his blast at VOL, in front of 167 bishops, he complained about the "public scrutiny" of his life, but did not deny the rumors about what was happening in his personal life. Robinson publicized his relationship during the election process for Bishop of New Hampshire by his public appearances with Andrew. When he was consecrated, he publicly embraced and kissed Mark to the roar of approval from some 4000 sympathetic observers. I know. I was there.

Read the full story at

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