Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Black Blessing and the Moral Dissipation of the Episcopal Church

By the 2000 convention, the Episcopal Church recognized that there was a “variety of human relationships in and outside of marriage,” and also recognized that there was “disagreement over the Church’s traditional teaching on human sexuality.”
By 2006, the homosexual agenda had taken over that church, and in the convention that year, the Episcopal Church called on legislatures to provide civil benefits to same-sex unions and called on its members to oppose any state or federal constitutional amendments intended to prohibit same-sex “marriages” or civil unions.
In 2009, homosexual men and women “in a lifelong committed relationship” were allowed to be ordained, and Episcopal bishops were given the authority to decide whether or not to bless same-sex marriage in their particular dioceses.
By 2012, any effective opposition had collapsed, and an official liturgy to bless same-sex couples and their “marriages,” entitled “The Witnessing and Blessing of a Lifelong Covenant” for use at the various dioceses was approved.
The Episcopal Church shows the truth of Virgil’s words, facilis descensus averno.  It is easy to walk downhill to the nether-world.
Apparently, in its slow and steady dissipation, the Episcopal Church has plum forgot the Sixth Commandment, which traditionally has been seen as governing the requirement of chastity among all mankind.

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