Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Breaking news: House of Bishops affirms gay commitment ceremony

Cherie Wetzel reporting from the 77th General Convention in Indianapolis
July 9, 2012

This afternoon, the House of bishops voted in roll call vote, to affirm A049 the resolution endorsing the same-sex commitment ceremony.  The vote was 111 yes, 41 no and 3 abstained.

As I listened to the 1:45 minute discussion prior to the vote, I continued to have hope as   clearly 19 bishops stated they would vote no that I had not expected.

At the end of the process, after announcing the results, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori cautioned the House to follow Bishop Duncan Gray’s (Mississippi) advice and endorse the vote with humility, admitting that the Church may be wrong on this issue.

Her admonishment went unheeded by gays and lesbians who crowded the press area and embraced, many sobbing.   They have received the vindication they hoped for.  Our Church will bless their partnerships in hopes that they truly are, “Following the Holy Spirit’s direction in acting prophetically on this matter.”

Some bishops split their choices.  A couple voted no on the resolution, but have already announced plans to implement the blessing ceremony in their dioceses. Let there be no doubt, this will fly through the House of
Deputies with little discussion and a vote that makes Bishops look like a different resolution.

Several bishops voted no because of extensive ties with African bishops who will now be in great danger as they live in Muslim dominated areas in their countries.  Prayers appreciated for safety and mercy for these courageous men and women in Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan,  Nigeria and Indonesia.  There are many others too.

I received an email 10 minutes ago that said, “Thank God I left TEC.  What will you do now?”
Many will ask themselves that question tonight and in the weeks to come.

Cherie Wetzel reporting from Indianapolis

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