Friday, July 13, 2012

DSC's differentiation

The Diocese of South Carolina staged a bit of shaking the dust off their feet at the General Convention after the two houses ushered in transgendered recognition.  Leaving the GC early was a hollow act by people who should know better.  The real differentiation took place several years ago with the formation of the Anglican Communion Network.  The second defining act of real differentiation took place with the formation of the Anglican Church in North America.  Walking out on a heretical and apostate fraud of a church in convention is silly and meaningless.

General Convention's unbiblical stands were expected; if the DSC couldn't see that prior to the gathering they were deluded.  The whole inside strategy along with the Communion Partners strategy has been deeply flawed from the beginning.  The Episcopal Fraud ceased to be a church when it blew off the Anglican Communion in defiance of its own constitution.  It is now an organization in free fall and DSC's unwillingness to take real, substantive action puts it in collusion with TEF.

When action is called for, people of honor don't issue statements; they take real and decisive action.  We have bishops like Lawrence in SC and McConnell in Pittsburgh who made a pact with the devil in order to obtain purple shirts and now are whining about the entity that they pledged to serve.

When the DSC wakes up (if ever) and realizes the pact they have made is not with the Lord, hopefully they will have the courage to do the right thing and leave TEF.  Anything less is mere play acting.

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