Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Gay Jennings elected President of House of Deputies

The Rev. Canon Gay Jennings was elected President of the House of Deputies on the first ballot. From The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs
The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings on her election
as President of the House of Deputies

[July 10, 2012] The following is the statement from the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, clerical deputy, Diocese of Ohio, on her election on July 10 as President of the House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church.
I am honored to have been chosen by my colleagues in the House of Deputies as their next president, and I’m grateful to all of the people across the church—deputies, bishops, and many other leaders—who have expressed their confidence in me and shared their ideas. I’m especially grateful to Deputy Martha Alexander and Deputy Frank Logue for offering their gifts to the church, and I look forward to working with them during the next triennium.
I am a priest, ordained in 1979, born and raised and ordained in the Diocese of Central New York, and an eight-time deputy from the Diocese of Ohio. I stood for election as president of the House of Deputies because I believe that God is calling me to work with leaders across the church to change the way we do business in the next triennium. For the Episcopal Church to matter in the 21st century, we have to find ways to move forward together.
As president of the House of Deputies, I intend to foster the leadership of young people, people of color, and others who have not always been at the table. I have strong relationships with many bishops, and I look forward to working with the House of Bishops for wholeness, reconciliation and justice that will benefit the entire Episcopal Church.
The Church longs to be transfigured – changed into the likeness of Jesus – from glory to glory. That’s my vision for the Episcopal Church, and I look forward to working with the House of Deputies, the House of Bishops, and Episcopalians across the church to make it come true.

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