Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Gene Robinson to Big Narcissism yesterday:

“Your homework is to begin to have those conversations. You need to have those conversations, because we are really talking about the mystery and the beauty of God’s gift of sexuality … There are as many sexualities as there are human beings.”
And ultimately, he said, “we’ll be asked to move on, because even LGBT work can’t be a tent that we live in forever. As soon as we get a real leg up on this thing, God is going to point out somebody else that we haven’t been paying attention to.”

Like these people, Robbie?
In a recent parliamentary session on a bill relating to sexual offenses against children, psychology experts claimed that pedophilia is a “sexual orientation” comparable to homosexuality or heterosexuality, a definition that was questioned by one Member of [the Canadian]Parliament who was present. 

Parliamentary discussion on February 14 centered on the mandatory minimum imprisonment and how offenders respond to treatment.  Dr. Vernon Quinsey and Dr. Hubert Van Gijseghem, experts on the issue, were called to witness.

“When we speak of therapy or when individuals get therapy and we feel as though everyone is pacified, the good news is often illusory,” said Van Gijseghem, psychologist and retired professor of the University of Montreal. 

“Pedophiles are not simply people who commit a small offence from time to time but rather are grappling with what is equivalent to a sexual orientation just like another individual may be grappling with heterosexuality or even homosexuality,” emphasized Van Gijseghem.

“True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation.  You cannot change this person’s sexual orientation.” He added, however: “He may however remain abstinent.”

MP Serge Ménard later praised the witnesses.  “Mr. Van Gijseghem and Mr. Quinsey,” said Ménard, “corrected some of our impressions.”

However, MP Marc Lemay of the Bloc Quebecois challenged Van Gijseghem’s definition.  “I have to admit that I was not expecting, on this Valentine’s Day, to be talking about this inappropriate type of love. It is not really love. It has more to do with violence and control. I am concerned, Professor Van Gijseghem … because you say, if I am not mistaken, that pedophilia is a sexual orientation.”

“That is what I said,” continued Van Gijseghem.

Awaiting your answer.

One of the longest and most interesting comment threads I ever had at the previous version of this site(which, unfortunately, is no longer available) concerned a pedophile who self-indentified that way.  Somehow, the subject of the post heard about it and came into the thread attempting to defend himself.
What fascinated me was that this guy had learned all the homosexual lines.  It’s an orientation.  I was born this way, it’s been who I am for as long as I can remember and to expect me to change my sexual orientation is not only wrong but impossible.  And so on.

It got me to thinking that the Episcopal Organization will confront this issue at some point and better have some plausible replies when it does.  And not to put too fine a point on it but “I’m normal but you’re an evil pervert because the church voted that way, that’s why,” most emphatically isn’t one of them.

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