Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Lesbian denominational leader says that my marriage is a livestock exchange

One of the LGBTQi etc. now running the Episcopal Church tweeted:
“‘Traditional Marriage’ means giving livestock in return for access to another man’s daughter”
Every so often the LGBTQi etc. subculture opens the closet door wide enough to reveal more than sexual preference.  There’s a whole wardrobe of hate and dysfunction to show off.
My wife and I share a traditional marriage getting close to 25 years.  We raise a disabled child.  We’ve had our share of challenges and by God’s grace continue to love and support each other and, as the Book of Common Prayer puts it, “find such fulfillment of their mutual affection that (we) reach out in love and concern for others.”
What possible kind of pastoral leadership likens that to a “cattle exchange” while celebrating recreational sex and fetishes as holiness?  The leadership of The Episcopal Church.  Maybe not all the bishops or the many other clergy and lay leaders assembled in a show convention this summer, but the sexually disordered activist leaders who tell them what to say, what bathroom to use and how low to grovel.

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