Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Liberal intolerance at BSA position

Boy Scouts Refuse to Bend on Homosexuality

The Boy Scouts of America have apparently been re-evaluating their policy regarding homosexuals participation over the last two years, and after careful consideration have decided to stick to their guns. According to NBC News:
The Boy Scouts of America will keep their controversial policy banning gay scouts and leaders after a confidential two-year review, the organization said Tuesday.
The announcement comes amid a stepped-up campaign from activist groups urging an end to the membership guidelines.
“The vast majority of the parents of youth we serve value their right to address issues of same-sex orientation within their family, with spiritual advisers, and at the appropriate time and in the right setting,” said Bob Mazzuca, Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts. “While a majority of our membership agrees with our policy, we fully understand that no single policy will accommodate the many diverse views among our membership or society.”
An Eagle Scout who is the son of two lesbians denounced the decision:
[Zach] Wahls denounced what he said was “the secretive nature surrounding how this conclusion was reached” and called the announcement “old news.”
“We’ve heard this line before, and we’ll hear it again before this is all said and done. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: this will be the official BSA policy up until the day it finally ends,” he said in an email to “Regardless of your thoughts on homosexuality, surely we can agree that gay people who serve our troops and communities deserve our respect and gratitude.”
If I get his point, he’s saying that there are homosexuals serving as troop leaders contrary to the rules of the organization. If that is in fact what he’s saying, then they don’t “deserve our respect and gratitude.” What they are doing is teaching their charges that it’s OK to ignore the rules of a private organization when it suits you, and insert yourself where you are not supposed to be. I have no problem with Wahls trying to convince the Boy Scouts to change their policy, but as usual the gay rights approach is to break the rules, try to change the facts on the ground, and then force their way in to an organization, rather than use persuasion. Oh, that and name-call at the top of their lungs—here are a few of the comments left at the story:
“The US Military accepts gays, the Boy Scouts do not. They are a hate group.”
“The Boy Scouts are now officially a hate group.”
“They should be banned from all tax payer funded environments from now on since they are now considered a religious organization.”
“They are now on the wrong side of history. Too bad they will be looked back on as bigots.”
“Wow, some of the most amazing people I know happen to be gay. This is discrimination and hatred and a bad example for children…”
You get the idea. The voices of tolerance, again incapable of dealing with anyone who might dissent from sexual orthodoxy.

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