Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Meacham's Madness: Of God and Gays and Humility

Meacham's Madness: Of God and Gays and Humility

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue
July 23, 2012

Jon Meacham, activist lay Episcopalian, Sewanee alumnus, executive vice president at Random House and a Pulitzer Prize winning bestselling author, has written a commentary piece in the July 30 issue of TIME magazine on what the Episcopal Church's handling of same-sex unions can teach the rest of us.

Meacham is an outspoken Episcopal liberal who has publicly excoriated orthodox Anglicans for their narrowness. While he was editor of NEWSWEEK, he even blasted Archbishop Robert Duncan for leaving TEC and forming the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).

In the TIME article, Meachem sets out to make the case for same sex liturgies and cites, as his opening gambit, the deal cut by Texas Bishop Andrew Doyle. He said he'd support congregations that choose to use same sex blessing liturgies in his diocese. (He made this pronouncement before GC2012 met.) Doyle clearly knew which way the wind was blowing and made a preemptive strike. Meacham said Doyle got the idea from former Secretary of State James Baker who has argued that "the most practical approach usually is to address those matters where progress is possible, postpone decisions on irresolvable issues, and mutually respect the differing opinions of each side." However, what works for the state does not necessarily work for the church. The Church has a different play book it works from. Really.

Read the full story at www.VirtueOnline.org

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