Monday, July 09, 2012

Metropolitan Jonah Ousted

It appears that Metropolitan Jonah has been ousted:
“To the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America,
“As per your unanimous request, as conveyed to me by Chancellor Fr. John Jillions, I hereby tender my resignation as Primate of the Orthodox Church in America, and humbly request another Episcopal assignment.
“I had come to the realization long ago that that I have neither the personality nor the temperament for the position of Primate, a position I never sought nor desired.
“It is my hope that due consideration will be made for my financial situation, both in any interim and in consideration for any future position. I am the main financial support for both my parents and my sister, beyond my own needs.
“I will appreciate your consideration in this, and beg forgiveness for however I have offended you, and for whatever difficulties have arisen from my own inadequacies and mistakes in judgment.
“Asking your prayers, I remain faithfully yours,
“Metropolitan Jonah, Archbishop of Washington
Rod Dreher indicates that this resignation was somewhat less than voluntary and peaceful:
They finally got him. What they don’t understand is that they probably signed the OCA’s death warrant in so doing — not because Jonah was necessarily an exceptional metropolitan (he had his problems as an administrator, and though a very good man, was temperamentally ill-suited for the job), but because the sleazy, corrupt way the Synod has handled this from the beginning shows them to be a pack of ravening wolves…more
I’ve often disagreed with Met. Jonah - his absurd “Calvinism is heresy” speeches at the ACNA provincial synod will not be missed - but he seems to have departed gracefully and honorably.

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