Saturday, July 14, 2012

Not my church

What It Is, Is Fornication

And our church now officially blesses it.

The same-sex blessing liturgy for unmarried homosexuals, passed by General Convention, is available here in PDF format.

Read it carefully and you’ll see that there’s no specific mention of the fact that it’s intended for same-sex couples. This raises the fabulous possibility that an unmarried heterosexual couple could approach their rector and request a blessing of their union; and, when refused, initiate a discrimination lawsuit. Just thinking out loud here.
Dear friends in Christ,
we have gathered together today
to witness N. N. and N. N. publically committing themselves to one another
and, in the name of the Church, to bless their union:
a relationship of mutual fidelity and steadfast love,
forsaking all others,
holding one another in tenderness and respect,
in strength and bravery,
come what may,
as long as they live.
Ahead of them is a life of joy and sorrow,
of blessing and struggle,
of gain and loss,
demanding of them the kind of self‑giving love
made manifest to us in the life of Jesus.
Christ stands among us today,
calling these two people always to witness in their life together
to the generosity of his life for the sake of the world,
a life in which Christ calls us all to share.
Let us pray, then,
that they may be strengthened for the promises they make this day,
and that we will have the generosity
to support them in what they undertake
and the wisdom to see God at work in their life together.

The people sit. The couple stands, facing the Presider.
N. and N., I invite you now, illumined by the Word of God
and strengthened by the prayer of this community,
to make your covenant before God and the Church.
Each member of the couple, in turn, takes the hand of the other and says
In the name of God,
I, N., give myself to you, N.
I will support and care for you by the grace of God:
enduring all things, bearing all things.
I will hold and cherish you in the love of Christ:
in times of plenty, in times of want.
I will honor and keep you with the Spirit’s help:
forsaking all others,
as long as we both shall live.
This is my solemn vow.
or this
In the name of God,
I, N., give myself to you, N.
I will support and care for you:
enduring all things, bearing all things.
I will hold and cherish you:
in times of plenty, in times of want.
I will honor and keep you:
forsaking all others,
as long as we both shall live.
This is my solemn vow.

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