Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Practicing Nonviolence - Leander S. Harding

Practicing Nonviolence

By Leander S. Harding
July 12, 2012

The Episcopal Church's 77th General Convention has now adopted a new liturgy for blessing same-sex relationships. The rationale given for these blessings in both the study commissioned by the House of Bishops and by the Standing Committee on Liturgy and Music's triennial report includes a redefinition of Christian marriage which denies the significance of God's creation of persons as male and female and demotes the significance of procreation and the biological family in God's plan for humanity.

Among other things this new teaching undercuts the vocations of motherhood and fatherhood, as our gendered identities are cut loose from their biblical grounding. The proposal is radical in its approach to the Bible and in its practical and pastoral applications. It changes centuries of Christian teaching on Holy Matrimony and will be unrecognizable to the overwhelming majority of the world's Anglicans and the wider oikumene, whether Roman Catholic, Orthodox, evangelical, or Pentecostal. The proponents of this new teaching regard it as their missionary duty to press forward in response to "the leading of the Spirit."

Read the full story at www.VirtueOnline.org

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