Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Seminary (yeah, the one I attended) gives honorary PhD to guy for suing fellow Christians

I kid you not.  An Episcopal priest posts the picture as well as the press.

Get your air sickness bag ready as you read the propaganda:
David Booth Beers, Esq.  is a noted attorney and Chancellor to the Presiding Bishop. He is of counsel to the law firm Goodwin Proctor where he has an extensive national and international practice in the non-profit sector. He has led the legal effort of the Episcopal Church to safe guard the rights and property of the church, dioceses and parishes from the plans of those who have broken away from the church and yet attempted to take church property with them.
“Plans of those who have broken away…”  No sense that leaving is a reaction to plots and plans and failure to listen.  And the lie - THE LIE - that the property is being secured for any functioning Christian body.  Most retained properties sit empty, awaiting sale.  To pay David Booth Beers and pals.

I am away from my office tomorrow afternoon.  On Wednesday, I will at the very least take my GTS diploma off of my office wall.  Haven’t decided yet if it should be burned, thrown in the dumpster or otherwise disposed of.  Relic of a happier day or icon of the rot that’s set in?  Either way, I just don’t want to look at the thing these days.

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