Friday, July 13, 2012

Was it really?

GC2012: South Carolina's Actions: A Shot Heard around the Anglican Communion

GC2012: South Carolina's Actions: A Shot Heard around the Anglican Communion
Orthodox Episcopal diocese takes decisive and dramatic action to distance itself from Convention's unholy decisions

By Mary Ann Mueller
Special Correspondent
July 12, 2012

INDIANAPOLIS - One of the most important stories coming out of the 2012 Episcopal General Convention was the sight of a convention deputation, committed to the truth of Scripture and Gospel values, walking out of the House of Deputies and shaking the dust off their boots as they left the Indiana Convention Center to wing their way back to the South Carolina low country. At the same time, their bishop, Mark Lawrence, also walked out of the House of Bishops in solidarity with his deputation.

The dramatic stance for traditional orthodoxy came as a surprise to most Conventioneers who less than 24 hours before had put its official stamp of approval on same-gender blessing liturgies. That action was met with cheers and high-fives as the House of Deputies concurred with the House of Bishops to approve such heterodox liturgical celebrations.

True, the Convention's action was met with screaming headlines around the world about The Episcopal Church sanctioning gay marriage, yet the lone bishop and his entourage visibly protesting Convention's deed will go down in the annuals of history as a true act of courage. A "yea" vote on the floor of the House of Bishop or the House of Deputies was not an act of courage. It was a cowardly step by those who have become enamored by the clamor of the noisy LBGT crowd and who did not have the backbone to stand up against vice.

Read the full story at

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