Monday, August 06, 2012

Gay Activists Angry Over Roman Catholic Bishop Comparison of Incest and Bigamy to Same Sex Marriage

Puzzle me this.  That’s an expression I learned in Scotland years ago.  It really seems to perfectly suit the LGBT debate.  As quoted in the Scotmans, a Roman Catholic Bishop made the following statement that has set the LGBT crowd all atwitter.
Gilbert, the first bishop to be appointed in Scotland by Pope Benedict, said: “The truth is that a government can pass any legislation it likes. Why is it all right for a man to marry another man, but not all right for him to marry two women?
“If we really want equality, why does that equality not extend to nieces who genuinely, truly love their uncles?”
He added: “As Bishop of Aberdeen, I know there are gay people among the community of the Church. I promise I will always respect and love them and uphold them in their relationship with the God who loves them. But I won’t marry them. It just can’t be done.”
A local director of a LGBT group was very disappointed in the bishop.
Tim Hopkins, director 
of Equality Network, said: “We are very disappointed the Bishop of Aberdeen should choose to com­­pare same-sex marriage to polygamy and incest. That is offensive and uncalled for.”
My question - or puzzle - is why is it offensive?  Even the acornym includes the “B” crowd.  By definition, bi-sexual means attraction to both sexes.  An early hero and champion of the pro-gay crowd is Patricia Ireland, the openly bi-sexual feminist.

The activists have taken one letter at a time (L&G being consider one context).  They began their campaign decades ago advocating to normalize the concept of same sex relationships.  Once that line was crossed, they began the march for the transgendered.  What brain dead idiot actually believes they will suddenly put down their signs and give up on normalizing every form of sexual preference?  They are counting on us believing they are outraged at such statements.  Bravo to the bishop that had the courage to speak honestly.

When you click on the article, be sure to read the comments.  They call the argument for incest “stupid” because of inbreeding, genetics, etc.  Last time I checked two brothers in a sexual relationship with one another could not reproduce.  However, my favorite is a statement that the bishop’s statement about a man marrying two women showed how he really felt about women.  Rich.  You really can’t make this stuff up, people.

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