Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Endarkenment - John Becker


It can be summarized as follows: As a direct result of The Enlightenment (perhaps Endarkenment is a better word) there are those outside and inside the church who have set as their goal the destruction of Christianity as the central element of Western Civilization.

This goal was epitomized in the philosophy of Karl Marx and his followers. Anyone who has read the writings of Marx, or of his disciples, Antonio Gramsci, The Frankfurt Group, the Critical Theorists and others, know that they declared war on Christianity as their most feared adversary. It is utterly naive to believe that radical practitioners committed to that philosophy have not infiltrated TEC. They have indeed. The Pansexualists are extremely well organized, and have almost completely succeeded in their endeavor to tear the church to shreds, as the daily postings on the HoB/D listserv prove. The issue of Homosexuality has been their Trojan Horse.

To accomplish their objectives inside the church they have had three primary goals:

A. A frontal attack on the core elements of Christian theology.

B. A massive assault on the traditional Christian view of sexual morality built around the heterosexual one-man/one-woman family, thereby undermining the family as the key foundational unit in civilization, and making possible a world in which little boys can be raised without fathers, and little girls without mothers.

C. The promotion of a new sexual morality centered and focused entirely on the desires and lifestyles of Lesbians and Gays.

Secondary goals include:

D. The infiltration and undermining of the Episcopal seminaries to promote the new homosexual definition of morality, thereby leading to their collapse and decay, and the closure already of several seminaries, and a substantial increase in the number of Lesbian and Gay priests.

E. Creation of an environment of intellectual terrorism, by branding anyone challenging their agenda, including this writer, as practitioners of "Homophobia", and thereby curtailing debate and suppressing opposition.

F. The smothering of all their efforts and subterfuges in a miasma and smokescreen of pretentious and mind-deadening piosity.


The three primary goals have been spearheaded inside the church by a tiny group with its nucleus in one diocese, The Diocese of Newark:

Goal A: In 1998 Bishop Jack Spong, Bishop of the Diocese of Newark, challenged and rejected every basic Christian theological belief in his twelve theses propounded on the Internet. The House of Bishops took no disciplinary action. Recently the new Presiding Bishop chose Spong as the keynote speaker at her diocesan clergy conference prior to becoming Primate of TEC, thereby demonstrating the primacy of his "New" theology.

Goal B: On September 18th 1990 The House of Bishops formally "disassociated" itself from the actions of the Standing Committee and Bishop of Newark, Jack Spong, in ordaining Robert Williams, a practicing homosexual, and decried such actions as "scandalous and disruptive of the Church's order and unity". Twelve days later on October 30th in defiance of the House of Bishops, Bishop Walter Righter, the Assistant Bishop of Newark under Jack Spong and Retired Bishop of Iowa, ordained Barry Stopfel, another avowed and practicing homosexual. This action was challenged by the House of Bishops in a much publicized legal proceeding, The Righter Trial, which failed because of procedural considerations, unrelated to theology or morality.

By constantly promoting the idea of homosexual marriage the radicals have succeeded in undermining the nuclear family, as proven by marital statistics of the explosive growth of single parenthood.

Goal C: Louie Crew, who later became head of the Diocese of Newark's Standing Committee under Jack Spong in 1989, founded the Lesbian and Gay advocacy group INTEGRITY in 1974. Under his leadership 20% of the National Executive Council is now composed of homosexuals, with more additions probable at Convention 2009 for which Crew is now actively campaigning, compared with at the most 3% in the congregations of the church as a whole.

Read the devastating article by journalist Robert Stowe England describing the free-fall within the Diocese of Newark from 1978 to 1999 thanks to the efforts of Jack Spong, Walter Righter, Louie Crew and their cohorts. It's a litany of church closings and mass departures.

More recently the installation of a practicing homosexual as the Bishop of New Hampshire in 2003 has proven the dominance of the radical philosophy and the determination of the radicals that their homosexual agenda shall prevail.

No amount of appeals for "reconciliation" can paper over the truth of these facts. If reconciliation means that those who adhere to the entire Christian faith as handed down from previous generations have to accede to the demands, beliefs and strategies of a tiny minority anchored within the Diocese of Newark, whose real goal is the destruction of Christianity itself, let's be will never happen.

John Becker


Sean Fritz said...

You are crazy. This alleged conspiracy does not exist.

Try citing some primary sources when making wild accusations about radical conspiracies. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

You, being John Becker.

Your statement is a bit broad. Is all that Becker says wrong because he didn't have footnotes?