Saturday, November 15, 2008

A response to Join for Action

See the post below this one for the Join the Action statement. ed.

The belligerence of the Gay Brigade is not surprising in certain respects, but it certainly isn't consistent with the calls in pecusa for civil dialogue. For the record, I believe that all persons should be treated with dignity and respect. Statements like those below from Join the Action that the general public doesn't respect the humanity of homosexuals is overblown. Yes, there is violence against gays and this is reprehensible. But to say that gays deserve extra protection from the law is inconsistent with the objective stated ad nauseum that homosexuals want equality with others. Yes, you are human too! So what?

What's with the call for ONE LOUD VOICE? You can't win a civil argument so you will instead work to intimidate those who believe that the homosexual lifestyle is destructive for individuals and society? Now that tactic will certainly win (not). If you want to celebrate gay pride, that's your right, but don't try to force the rest of the world to celebrate with you. Why is it that liberals are so totalitarian anyway?

Join for Action is free to say that "the gay pride parade has become a great party," just as I am free to observe that the gay pride parade often shows how decadent is the homosexual lifestyle. What Join for Action calls love I call the glorification of irresponsible sex.

The claim is that the Gay Brigade wants equal rights, but as we've seen what they really want is extra rights. They want society to bend to their will, and they will label those in opposition as "pro-hate." How's that for respectful conversation? Civil dialogue only works for these folks when the conversation leads to their objectives. Don't be fooled.

What homosexuals need is the transforming love of Jesus Christ who can change their minds, hearts and wills. Jesus can help them come out of the destructive lifestyle of homosexuality and embrace a lifestyle that is life-giving. Our parish is involved with the Exodus International movement that offers help to those trapped in the gay lifestyle. Other churches and organizations offer counseling. There are ways out. My hope is that more and more homosexuals will leave what is a belligerent movement and come to admit that the gay lifestyle is anything but gay.

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