Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Landmark Religious Liberty Case

By Mike McManus
March 27, 2014

In a landmark case this week the Supreme Court appeared narrowly supportive of objections by two family-owned businesses on religious grounds to being forced to give employees “morning after pills” that abort a growing embryo. Of Obamacare’s mandate to offer 20 different forms of birth control, the companies provide 16, opposing only Plan B-type drugs that cause abortion.

That mandate has sparked scores of federal suits by Catholic dioceses, Southern Baptists, Catholic University, Wheaton College and for-profit companies.

The first to reach the Supreme Court were the cases of Hobby Lobby, a company with 561 stores owned by a Catholic couple, David and Barbara Green, and Conestoga Wood Specialties, a cabinet-making firm owned by a Mennonite family.

Read the full story at

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