Friday, June 18, 2010

Executive Council Questions for Canon Kearon (UPDATED: with Kearon’s Answers Twittered)

from Stand Firm

Mark Harris has typed up some of the questions asked of Canon Kearon by members of the Executive Council. The questions reveal blinking dumbfounded incomprehension. Like sleepers waking from a happy dream to find reality is not so, the council members try to wrap their minds around the fact that something they believed would never happen has, in fact, happened.

UPDATE: You can read an Executive Council member's tweets of Kearon's answers here...very interesting:

Side note: notable among the questioners is the one time orthodox priest Jim Simons:
I am Jim Simons, a priest resident in the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh which, as I’m sure you are aware, went through a recent and painful schism. Currently, there are over 100 priests, deacons and one bishop canonically resident in the Province of The Southern Cone as well as another Bishop canonically resident in the Province of Rwanda functioning in our diocese without licenses and laying claim to some of our parishes. This is in clear violation of the canons and it is also not unique to our diocese. What if any disciplinary action do you anticipate toward provinces who engage in such jurisdictional incursions? [the Rev’d James Simons, Diocese of Pittsburgh]
I have no words for the smallness of this man turned sycophant to heretics and traitor to the gospel. Pray for his soul.

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