Friday, June 18, 2010

Executive Council quizzes Secretary General

from The Lead

Social media coverage is flowing in from the meeting of the Council with Kenneth Kearon, Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, who recently wrote letters to the Episcopal Church on behalf of the Archbishop of Canterbury .

ENS's Shronberg and others are tweeting to #TECouncil

The questions that the World Mission Standing Committee of Executive Council prepared and asked this morning of Kenneth Kearon are here at Lee Alison's blog.

Mark Harris, Executive Council member has a full report of the questions asked Secretary General Kearon, on Harris' blog, Preludium.

Check your Facebook connections. Others at the meeting are posting to the FB pages.

Executive Council member from Province VI, Lelanda Lee, live tweeted

Lelanda Lee's live tweet:

Katie Sherrod, Mark Harris and Lelanda Lee are writing the Statement from ExCoun once again this meeting.

Questions asked will be posted and published.

Conversation with Kenneth Kearon ended. Rosalie Ballentine will receive further questions & send a letter to Kearon.

Kearon keeps making distinction betw Southern Cone & other provinces re: interventions.

+Mark Hollingsworth: follow up Q - what is defn of an intervention by provinces coming to TEC/USA & ordaining & setting up churches?

Gibbs presses point of who C of E is in communion with & C of E's inclusion in full communion relationships.

Kearon: (pause, stammer) - there are different types of full communion. And sticking point is representing Communion vis a vis faith & order

+Wendell Gibbs: C of E in communion w/Church of Sweden which has out lesbian presiding bishop. Logic? How compare to removal of TEC?

Kearon: one form of exclusion for faith and order issues not same as other form of exclusion.

Lee Crawford: As a lesbian priest in a civil union - removing reps by executive action contrary to ABC's Pentecost ltr re value of inclusion

Simons follow-up: Will any of the Instruments of Communion answer this question later? Kearon says he hopes so.

Kearon says no Instruments of Communion have answered the Qs re: interventions by bishops from other provinces.

Kearon: ABC sent letters to Southern Cone, etc. at same time as removal of TEC from ecumenical bodies asking when incursions will stop.

Jim Simons: Q re: clergy canonically resident in other provinces, what discipline is anticipated agst, e.g., Southern Cone?

Kearon: TEC doesn't share understanding of same-sex blessings in re: Chicago Quadrilateral.

Blanca Echeverray Q in Spanish: How was it determined TEC does not share the faith and order of the Anglican Communion?

Kearon: hopes removal of TEC from bodies was isolated act. Critical repeated remarks that TEC has not exercised gracious restraint.

Bonnie Anderson, Q2: "Seasons of Sanctions," a quote. Do you see removal of TEC from ecumenical bodies as isolated action?

Ballentine, "ABC's actions were precipitous." Kearon says ABC had private conversation w/PB prior to such actions.

Withdrawal option of the Instruments of Communion says Kearon. Says ABC wasn't anticipating enforcement of Part 4 of Angl. Covenant.

Rosalie Ballentine asks Q abt Anglican Covenant implementation's potential for unfairness. Do ABC's actions give credence to such concerns?

Kearon says he will answer all the questions he "can" answer and may leave some questions unanswered. +++KJS says we will send those to him.

Kearon says our L.A. elections the TEC must admit, puts us out of step with the communion. "Sadly, you don't see it that way."

Kearon points out they haven't appted those to the ecumenical bodies of the communion for "some time."

Kearon reiterated if you don't align w/faith & understandings of communion, then you can't represent the communion.

+++KJS has told Kearon to cut his comments. He's run overtime. He says that puts him in dilemma. We ask to go forward with Q&A.

Kearon says aim of ABC in all conversations has been to make as much room for all. But conversations are at the point of collapse.

Kearon says ABC not only convened Lambeth but also was a member of Lambeth & participated as such.

Kearon says he's member of Irish church not of C of E. Don't blame him for ABC's remarks. Kearon interrupted his vacation to speak w/ExCoun.

Kearon making distinction in call: individual vocation & church's reception of that call.

Kearon blamed press for spinning what gets said/has been said & says they're not our friends!

Kearon emphasized this is a "conversation" & "from my perspective" & admonished ExCoun when we speak it's also "from our perspective."

Kenneth Kearon asked for "private conversation" but ExCoun declined. So staff & press are present.

Cutting back to 3-day ExCoun mtgs has been tough. We're feeling rushed to get work done in committees & back out to plenary. Not much sleep!

Waiting eagerly for ExCoun's time w/ Sec'y Gen'l Kenneth Kearon of Anglican Communion at 9AM. Inputs gathered & questions crafted to ask.

It's a gorgeous morning here in Linthicum Heights, MD, clear & not rainy. Be happy, don't worry, whistle while we work!

7:17 AM Jun 17th via web

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