Saturday, July 03, 2010

Anglican Church in North America Divides up Continent for Evangelism & Growth

from VirtueOnline

Anglican Church in North America Divides up Continent for Evangelism and 1,000 Church Plants
Cascadia Diocese Holds First Annual Synod

By David W. Virtue
July 1, 2010

The Anglican Church in North America is dividing up the continent (US and Canada) in a bold attempt to present the true face of Anglicanism against what they see as a morally and spiritually bankrupt Episcopal Church.

They are doing so by creating new dioceses across North America in key urban areas with a plan to plant 1,000 new churches with a clear gospel mandate over the next five years.

The plan is the brainchild of (ACNA) Archbishop Robert Duncan who is also the Bishop of Pittsburgh. At a recent meeting of the Provincial Council of the Anglican Church in North America in Amesbury, Massachusetts, they unanimously recognized the Anglican Diocese of the South and the Diocese of the Great Lakes.

Read the full story at

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