Saturday, July 03, 2010


from Midwest Conservative Journal

Down among friends in New Zealand, Katharine Jefferts Schori gets a few lame leftist bumper stickers in:

Disagreement with The Episcopal Church about gay bishops is one thing: but why have those two ordinations provoked such intense antagonism?

Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori told yesterday’s Q&A session at Te Hepara Pai that she figures that’s about loss of power.

“I think it represents the pain and discomfort of people who used to be at the centre, and who are now finding themselves being moved to the margins.

“In my context, 200 years ago the landed white gentry were in control of a monoculture. ‘Now all of these people have come along and messed with that: how dare they?’”

Power. For God’s sake, woman, could you at least try something more original than that? Yeah, that’s exactlywhat all this has been about.

Power? Please. Kate, that’s your stupidest idea since the last time you said something. The left and the Laodiceans been running this “church” since Pike and Episcopal conservatives haven’t had any influence at allso here’s an idea, Kate. STFU, as the kids say, and go play the victim someplace else.

She told the Tikanga Maori hosted forum that wide swathes of US society were living in anxiety. People who’d once held down jobs for life had seen their employment being exported to China and India, they were enduring economic meltdown – and now the focus of their anxiety was shifting to immigrants from Central America.

Wrong again, brainiac. The Current Unpleasantness started when [IF YOU HAVE A SENSITIVE NATURE, IMMEDIATELY AVERT YOUR EYES] George W. Bush was the President. Back then, the economy was still in good shape so what any of this has to do with people getting bent out of shape about the Episcopal Organization going Scripture-optional escapes me and anyone else who can think.

Bishop Katherine said that she hoped that “somewhere down the road” TEC and its most hostile critics “will discover the gospel in a new way” that allows them all to find common cause.

Don’t wait up, Kate. Most of us don’t need to “discover the gospel in a new way” since we think the Gospel is fine just the way that it always has been and always will be. But if you guys in TEO discover the Gospel, give us a call.

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