Thursday, November 10, 2011

BROCKTON, MA:Women's Ordination Remains Dividing Issue between Continuers & ACNA

BROCKTON, MA: Women's Ordination Remains Dividing Issue between Continuers and ACNA
Anglican Catholic Church Archbishop Says Women's Ordination is stumbling block to full Anglican unity

By David W. Virtue in Brockton, MA
November 4, 2011

The archbishop and metropolitan of the Anglican Catholic Church says that the Bishop of Rome has served as an unintentional instrument of unity among Anglo-Catholics in a way no one could have anticipated or the way anyone expected.

Archbishop Mark Haverland said Anglicanum Coetibus - the Pope's offer for Anglicans to reunite with Rome - galvanized Anglo-Catholics around the world to reflect on why they are Anglicans and what they believe, he told a world gathering of Continuing Anglicans at St. Paul's in Brockton, Massachusetts.

Haverland said the besetting issue, Women's Ordination, continues to bedevil Anglicans in North America and Africa. He also predicted it would force a realignment of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) if the issue of women being ordained to the priesthood is not examined and reversed. "My premise is that bad theology and bad morals drive out good theology and good morals. The toleration of erroneous theological and moral principles tends to increase acceptance of the errors that flow from those principles.

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