Wednesday, December 14, 2011


That unhinged Tim Tebow commentary referenced below was certainly over-the-top but I’m not at all sure that a great many leftists don’t, deep in their heart of hearts, believe every word of it.  Because speaking of unhinged,Jim Naughton gets all warm and cuddly:

It can’t be said often enough, that most of the members of the Anglican Church in North America left the Episcopal Church because they could not abide its teachings on same-sex relationships, and chose to join a movement led by Akinola, whose opinions on such matters were apparently more to their liking. Anti-gay bigotry is deep in ACNA’s bones, and no amount of obfuscation from its apologists who would have you believe that their dispute with the Episcopal Church is all about scriptural interpretation can camouflage that fact. “Scriptural authority” is to the debate over sexuality as “states’ rights” was to the debate over slavery.

That’s one way to look at it.  A better way is that most of us decided to leave the Episcopal Organization(ask me why I call it that, tough guy) when the Episcopalians threw 2,000 years of Christian teaching on the scrap heap just so people like Gene Robinson and Susan Russell would no longer feel guilty about the fact that they liked to have sex with men and women, respectively.

Scriptural interpretation?  You people stopped seriously doing that years ago.  Of course, it’s not like you’ve had to for a decade or five.  Why bother when you can just emote all over everything, declare some anti-Scriptural innovation a matter of “justice” and haul out the “bigotry” blast again?
I guess you think that instantly ends the argument.  You’re a bigot.  You are such a bigot.  I don’t have to argue with bigots, you bigot.  That is so effing lame, man.

And you’ve always got your army of intellectual whores “Biblical scholars” at the ready, instantly able to give your deviations theological cover and only too happy to come to whatever predetermined conclusion you want them to come to.  You’re set, man.

Have you even read To Set our Hope on Christ?  Jim, you and I both know that that thing was a freaking embarrassment.  I can’t believe that some of you people actually signed their names to that train wreck.

Let me bottom-line it for you, big smacker.  You and I can both read.  You know what those words say and what they mean.  If you’ve got a problem with any of them, take it up with their Author.
I guess that’s the real reason why so many of us have run away from the Episcopal Organization as if it were made out of smallpox.  People generally don’t like being libelled merely for insisting that the Zeitgeist have a little more intellectual and theological game.

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