Saturday, December 03, 2011


There’s a documentary on Gene Robinson coming out next year.  I wonder how the producer managed to pull it off.  You know how camera-shy the Episcopal Bishop of As If It Matters Anymore is and how much he just hatespublicity.  Maybe it was the pompous title; Robbie seems to enjoy those.

But with all this world-changing he’s supposedly doing out there, I got to wondering how else to honor the splendid wonderfulness that is Gene Robinson.  And while I’m well aware of the fundamental law of the universe that I first formulated, I can actually envision some of these happening.

Episcopal sainthood is a done deal.  I guess the only reason why it hasn’t happened already is the possibility that Robbie might have to read a collect with his own name in it in case he should happen to be doing a little actual bishopping on his feast day.

A US congressional medal is not out of the question, particularly if the Democrats get their asses handed to them next fall.  If Obama loses and the Donks lose the Senate, I can easily see the liberals pushing this through the lame-duck session as a way of sticking it to conservatives.

After all, the Congress has voted medals to influential men and women from all over the world and to some that, well, weren’t as influential as all that.  Since bronze copies will be available for public sale for as long as the Mint chooses to sell them, it will be an easy way for the American left to immortalize Robbie.
I’d buy one.  You never know, I might take up skeet-shooting or something.

What about a big-budget movie of Robbie’s life with real actors and everything?  It would kill two birds with one stone.  Hollywood could pretend to respect the Christian religion and bash Christian conservatives at the same time.  It would tank, of course, but that’s never bothered show business types before.
Gene Robinson: The Musical?  Way too easy.  Ain’t going there, yo.

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