Tuesday, August 07, 2012

The Episcopal Church's Presiding Bishop Spins General Convention

The Episcopal Church's Presiding Bishop Spins General Convention
If we are all sinners, then each of us may be wrong about where we stand, says Jefferts Schori

News Analysis

By David W. Virtue
August 6, 2012

In her wrap up of the Episcopal Church's 77th General Convention in Indianapolis, Katharine Jefferts Schori concluded, "We emerge with abundant hope, better discipline for working together and with partners beyond this Church, for our fundamental reason for being - engagement with God's mission."

If you think acquiescence to her worldview prevailed, you would be exactly correct. She held the largely gelded bishops in the palm of her hand and wielded her authority with all the passive aggression necessary to lead a herd of docked and castrated sheep.

With the passage of provisional rites for same sex marriage, she has sanctified sodomy and sodomized sanctification. That transgendered persons who have had sex change operations can now apply to be clergy and that "gender identity" and its "expression" should not exclude people from "the life of the church at any level" was the final cherry on a two day old ice cream float that had been left in the sun too long.

Read the full story at www.VirtueOnline.org

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