Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Will a new Archbishop of Canterbury change the status quo?

Will a new Archbishop of Canterbury change the status quo?

By Canon Phil Ashey
American Anglican Council
August 5, 2012

Many Anglicans around the world are wondering: "Will the appointment of a new Archbishop of Canterbury provide new leadership that effectively addresses the crisis in the Anglican Communion?" "Now that the proposed Anglican Covenant is dead-eviscerated of its disciplinary provisions and unsupported by the Church of England- what will a new Archbishop of Canterbury do to address the crisis precipitated by The Episcopal Church (TEC) and Anglican Church of Canada's (ACoC) violation of Lambeth Resolution 1.10?"

"What will the new Archbishop of Canterbury do to preserve the faith and order of the Anglican Communion over and against the continuing election of non-celibate gays and lesbians as bishops in TEC, the permission for same sex blessings in certain ACoC dioceses, and now the approval of provisional rites for same sex blessings in TEC?"

Read the full story at www.VirtueOnline.org

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